Swim Drink Fish Bill 23 Submission
We at Swim Drink Fish believe Bill 23 must be delayed. Something as drastic as this needs the proper due diligence of meaningful consultation. Which means leading with Indigenous communities and full consideration of all public input received through the Environmental Registry.
Ontario’s Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine are Great Lakes watershed treasures. At Swim Drink Fish, our mission is to connect people with water. Any development plans put forward that will imperil a community’s watershed is something everyone needs to have a say in and be fully informed on.
No development plan that significantly will impact our watersheds should be approved before fully understanding the implications and plans for protections are put in place.
Many communities across Ontario’s Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine have spent decades conserving and protecting the environment, which helps us build a better society. Southern Ontario is in jeopardy of losing more and more access to nature. This is something that needs to be considered and addressed in all future developments.
Giving Canadians access to the outdoors is the first step in healing our wild places and bettering our well-being.
Ontario’s proposed Bill 23, More Homes Build Faster Act, must go through the proper public consultation if we are to better protect and restore our natural environment, which is the strength behind any community.