Swim Drink Fish welcomes Kathleen Padulo and Lynda Gauthier to the Board

On June 24th, 2021, we held an annual general meeting and welcomed two new members to the Swim Drink Fish Board of Directors

We are excited to announce that Kathleen Padulo and Lynda Gauthier will be bringing diverse skill sets to complement our long-standing and actively engaged board members. All eight board members, including past Board Chair Susan Schaefer and current Board Chair Philippe Savoy, are passionate advocates of our work towards a swimmable, drinkable, fishable future.   

Kathleen Padulo has been a vital resource for Swim Drink Fish for years. Having previously worked at Indian and Northern Affairs and Health Canada, today Kathleen is the Director of Environment with the Chiefs of Ontario. Kathleen is a political advocate with a deep connection to indigenous people, land-based learning, and water. Based in Toronto, Kathleen volunteers with the Blue Flag program and enjoys connecting to water from her cottage on the Muskoka River.

Lynda Gauthier is the Vice President, Governance & Reporting, Group Risk Management at RBC and the Executive Co-Chair of Group Risk Management’s Diversity & Inclusion Leadership Council. Lynda has been with RBC for the past 17 years, and has held progressively more senior roles in Investment Banking and Investor Relations, prior to her role in Risk Management. Over the years, she has been involved with many events hosted by Swim Drink Fish. Currently based in Toronto, Lynda grew up on the Lake of Two Mountains in Quebec and has a deep and personal connection to water.

Please join us in extending a warm welcome to Kathleen and Lynda. Their knowledge and experience will bring a meaningful impact to the Swim Drink Fish movement as we continue to safeguard waters now and for future generations.


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