Take the Catherine McKenna Swim Challenge


As a long-time friend and supporter of Swim Drink Fish and the various Riverkeepers, I care about connecting people to Canada’s amazing freshwater and oceans. As a passionate open water swimmer, I recognize the value of protecting and restoring our waters not only for the recreational users that love them, but also for the aquatic wildlife and ecosystems that depend on them.

I grew up watching the rehabilitation of Hamilton Harbour. This contaminated span of waterfront on Lake Ontario was transformed over the decades because enough people were concerned about their waters. Now, I swim the Ottawa Riverkeeper’s crossing, and remember that when we work for our waters, it pays off. 

I’ve swam around the world, from Canada and the Arctic, to Ireland and the Carribean. This year, in celebration of my 50th birthday, I plan on swimming in all five Great Lakes and the Pacific, Atlantic, and Arctic oceans. In honour of the waters I use, for each of my swims, I will be donating to Swim Drink Fish so that we can all have a swimmable future.

A swimmable future is about more than just swimming.

Water that is healthy enough for swimming is also protective of drinking water and habitat protections. Swimmable waters are able to support all kinds of life—fish, frogs, birds, and of course, people.

I’m inviting you to help create a swimmable, drinkable, fishable future for all. Join me in protecting Canada’s waters by donating to Swim Drink Fish for every place you swim in 2021.

You can donate by going here.

Just $10 is enough money to collect one water sample so that people know when and where they can connect with water. Water sampling also identifies opportunities for restoring shorelines, benefitting both us and wildlife.

Together, we can restore and protect the waters we love.


Announcing Josette Lamoureux as Project Lead for Artists for Water


Strengthening connections between Torontonians and Lake Ontario