Taking the Plunge: My First Cold Dip into the Atlantic Ocean
Or after his first cold plunge in the Atlantic Ocean
We all have one friend who is super cool. The one friend that when we think about them, we go, wow, they are so awesome, I want to be more like them. Or, how can I have them more in my life?
For me, this is my friend Nora. Nora is an absolutely amazing individual, best described as a yes-sayer, a hard worker, and a reliable friend. The point of this is to say, she goes all in. Like in the water. In winter. No matter the weather. She is in.
Wanting to be more like Nora, and with the encouragement of our Communications Specialist Danica, we decided that it would be an excellent idea for me to go into the Atlantic Ocean in February. My first reaction was YES! This is a great idea! Which was immediately followed with, NO! This is a horrible idea. Surely humans should not be exposed to such extreme temperatures, and what about the shock to your system? I use all of my fingers on a daily basis, thank you very much.
Unfortunately for me, when I told Nora that I would like to do this, her response was to create a WhatsApp Group called Cold Dips (notice the plural) and immediately invite another friend to join us.
I asked myself out loud, what is the deal? I really want to do this but I really do not at the same time. I feel the same way when I look at all the super hot sauces at an artisan market… Hmm, this one has a burning skull on it… and this one has a scorpion with a machine gun…. I kinda want this on my next taco. Why is this so appealing?
If you are ever thinking about doing something like a cold dip, my best recommendation is to tell everyone you are going to do it. This way, the shame and embarrassment of having to tell others you chickened out would be so great that there is no way you won’t follow through.
Or in the Atlantic Ocean
Finally, on a bright and sunny day, we decided to go for it. We found a beach that is almost ideal for a cold dip, it is sandy so walking in is easy, and it gets deep quickly so you don't have to go very far to get submerged. With the gaze of some bystanders, I stripped down to my swimsuit, walked in and allowed my body to fall backwards into the water.
I am not a good enough writer to describe the sensation. The best way I can describe it is holding a spoonful of ice cream in your mouth. Delightful.. but a bit too much at the same time. The water felt amazing, and for the few seconds that I was under, I did not think a single thought. I was perfectly relaxed.
I think this is what everyone is going on about. Being in a single moment without any distractions or thoughts. It was amazing.
Coming out of the water, the cold started getting to me, and I started shaking a bit. Luckily, my partner was there to hug me with a towel. The great sensation of the water was replaced with an even better feeling of accomplishment and admiration from the people around me. I am not going to lie; sending photos of this to my friends and family and seeing their reactions was really fun and a great ego boost.
Or and his partner celebrating a success cold plunge!
On the way to the car, my fingers went numb, and I wished we had a thermos with some hot tea at the ready. But aside from that, it was one of the most pleasant moments of my winter. It's great that this harsh season gives us this opportunity to do something this cool for ourselves and to bond with others over. All I want to do is go back in for more. I guess I will text the group.
- Or