FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - Community’s coastal connections to be celebrated in new Britannia Shipyards exhibit

For Immediate Release
Community’s coastal connections to be celebrated in new Britannia Shipyards exhibit

Richmond, BC –  Richmond’s ties to  local and global waterways and community efforts to keep our rivers and oceans healthy for future generations will be showcased in a new exhibit at Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site. Our Coastal Connection will officially open on June 3 and is part of Richmond Canada 150, a year-long series of events and programs celebrating the 150th anniversary of Canadian confederation.

Over 20  local groups will be profiled within the exhibit, all of which have dedicated remarkable efforts in areas of water conservation, education, awareness, recycling and entrepreneurship.

“In the face of 8 million metric tons of plastic waste entering our global oceans each year, many local individuals have taken initiative to protect our waterways and remarkable goals have been achieved,” said Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie. The new exhibit will be a fascinating and inspiring way to help us all remember why we love our waters and what we can do to keep our rivers and oceans clean and safe for everyone to enjoy.”

An open house to launch the exhibit will be held on Saturday, June 3 from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Visitors will have the opportunity to meet local groups that will help them capture their unique water story, challenge them to be water champions, show them what’s lurking in the depths under the waves, and give them a sneak preview of cool new technologies soon to be released.

Visitors will be encouraged to leave their “Watermark” - a fun activity facilitated by Fraser Riverkeeper, an organization that works to ensure all citizens can safely swim, drink, and fish in British Columbia waters. The Watermark Project is a national effort to collect true stories about the ways people interact with water. These stories help us all recognize our dependence on water and highlight water's influence on our culture. By saving and studying these stories, we help protect the waters we love. Fraser Riverkeeper will be gathering Watermarks on site with ipads and microphones for the national archive and website.

Our Coastal Connection showcases water stewardship and educational initiatives that began with the efforts of local individuals. The exhibit will inspire visitors to remember that one person can make a difference, and that every effort at home and in the community can have far reaching impacts.

The exhibits in the Seine Net Loft building at the Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site showcase themes of innovation and human ingenuity on the waterfront. Our Coastal Connection will be available to the public from June 3, 2017 until May 1, 2018.

For more information about the exhibit, visit or contact or 604-238-8050. Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site is located at 5180 Westwater Drive in Richmond.

Richmond Canada 150 is designed to ignite the passions of local residents in a multi-faceted, year-long celebration, honouring the community’s distinct and vibrant cultural diversity, and leaving lasting legacies that foster civic pride and carry the spirit of 150 into the future. For more information visIt

Media Contact: Ted Townsend

Director, Corporate Communications and Marketing

Tel: 604-276-4399 Cell: 604-516-9585



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