FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -- Share a story, save a waterbody at Our Coastal Connection exhibit

Vancouver, BC – May 30th, 2016 - Fraser Riverkeeper joins over 20 local organizations dedicated to a swimmable, drinkable and fishable future at the opening day of Our Coastal Connection – a new exhibit at the Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site.

The exhibit officially opens on June 3rd and is part of Richmond Canada 150, a year-long series of events and programs celebrating Canada’s 150th anniversary.

“In the face of 8 million metric tons of plastic waste entering our global oceans each year, many local individuals have taken initiative to protect our waterways and remarkable goals have been achieved,” said Richmond Mayor Malcolm Brodie. “The new exhibit will be a fascinating and inspiring way to help us all remember why we love our waters and what we can do to keep our rivers and oceans clean and safe for everyone to enjoy.”

We’ll be asking the public to share their Watermark – a personal and powerful story about their experiences on BC’s rivers, lakes and coast.

Sweeping changes to the Navigable Waters Protection Act – now known as the Navigation Protection Act – in 2009 and 2012 resulted in the loss of our inherent right to freely explore, paddle and otherwise navigate on 99% of Canada’s 2.5-million waterbodies.

No protection means there’s no requirement for public consultation and input on projects that obstruct passage, such as dams. 

The Watermark Project is a community effort to collect and archive true stories about the ways that Canadians interact with water. When you contribute a Watermark, you register the waterbody in a national database of important waters; document the value of that waterbody to you and your community; help researchers identify waters where people swim, drink or fish, so that those uses can be protected in the future; and provide evidence that ensures environmental laws can be used to safeguard your waters. 

“When people know where their drinking water comes from, how their waste water is treated and the steps that they can take in everyday life to protect their local waterbodies, we’ll see significant improvements in water protection,” said Charly Caproff, Water Literacy Coordinator for Fraser Riverkeeper. “That journey begins with a Watermark.”

In partnership with Lake Ontario Waterkeeper and local organizations, groups and individuals, Fraser Riverkeeper plans to make waves in how water is protected in BC and across the nation.

So, what’s your Watermark?

Join us at the exhibit opening on June 3rd, 2017 from 11AM – 4PM at Britannia Shipyards National Historic Site, located at 5180 Westwater Drive in Richmond, BC.

For media inquiries, please contact:    

Charly Caproff
Water Literacy Coordinator, Fraser Riverkeeper 
Ph: 604-674-7444


PRIZE GIVEAWAY: Free Jack Johnson concert tickets!


#WatermarkWednesday - Brittany Coulter