Iona Island Wastewater Treatment Plant Upgrades

A big part of what we do at Fraser Riverkeeper is informing, educating, and engaging with the public to raise awareness about what swimmable, drinkable, fishable waters look like in the Fraser River and its watershed.

Did you know that ​​in just 2017, 39,060,422 cubic metres of untreated sewage entered Metro Vancouver's waters?

Sewage is a major issue for Vancouver’s waters, so we created a webinar to take a look at how wastewater and combined sewage overflows are impacting our waters, and why it’s crucial that we monitor False Creek year-round.

There’s no better time to voice your support for sewage-free waters as Metro Vancouver's Iona Island Wastewater Treatment Plant is accepting comments until this Friday about upcoming upgrades from Primary treatment. You can leave your comments on The Iona Island Wastewater Treatment Plant’s page here, and you can check out Lauren Brown Hornor our Vancouver Waterkeeper’s comments from last year here.

If you’d like to learn more about how upgraded wastewater management can lead to a healthier Salish Sea, you can read this guest blog by Obabika's Zack Shoom which outlines the different types of wastewater treatment, as well as how upgrading to better treatment methods will help our waters.

You can also familiarize yourself with Obabika's Treat Our Salish Seas campaign, and advocate for implementing tertiary sewage treatment to help stop marine pollution.

Together, we can create a swimmable, drinkable, future. 

(Photo credit: Metro Vancouver Regional District)


An Opportunity to Make the Iona Island Wastewater Plant "Truly" Protective of The Marine Environment


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