Our latest team member, Sina Gaus:My Watermark Story

By Sina-Nastassija Gaus 

Hi, I am Sina. I recently joined the Fraser Riverkeeper team as the Events Intern.\

Prior to joining Swim Drink Fish, I worked with Surfrider Foundation Vancouver as Events Director. I have always been fascinated by the ocean and all its animals. Therefore, I made one of my biggest dreams come true when moving to Vancouver; to live by the ocean. I am into everything water-related, be it swimming, surfing, stand up paddle boarding or just walking along the beach. For this reason protecting these magical resources is important to me.

This is my watermark story. Actually, it is not just a watermark story but also a seal story. It is one of my favourite beach stories and definitely one that showed me why I so fiercely want to protect the ocean. I headed out for an early morning run along the seawall, probably one of the most common things to do in Vancouver, but this day was special. When I reached Ambleside Park, I ran down the pier just to stop for a while and enjoy the view of Stanley Park but I saw something way better than that. 

A real seal just there, right in front of me. This was the first time in my life that I have ever seen a wild seal so close. I was captivated by its appearance, watching him dive down and come up again just a few meters away, coming back, looking at me and doing the same thing again. 

I couldn't make myself move on and continue my run. One of the risks of running at a beach, which usually happens when I see people surfing, is that I just stop and gaze in wonder, bringing the run to a sudden end. But eventually, I did continue and guess what? The seal followed me along. It dove up and down along the shore the same path I was running all the way down to Dundarave Beach. 


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