Watermark with Bruce Langereis

What is your most powerful memory of water?

This is a question we have been asking ourselves, our friends and our supporters over the past year in hopes of helping each individual re-discover their personal connection to water. The stories we gather will be part of the Watermark Project and will play an important role in demonstrating our shared connection to water across the country.

In March 2015 I was lucky to have the chance to spend some time with the amazing Bruce Langereis. Bruce is the President of Delta Group and a proud supporter of Fraser Riverkeeper and the Waterkeeper Gala Vancouver. He is also an avid fisherman and a helicopter pilot. He is full of interesting and inspiring stories that make you ache to get out on the river. Take a look at the video below to hear what Bruce has to say about his most powerful memory of water that takes place right here in Vancouver:

The Watermark Project is currently under development at the National Water Centre and is set to launch in early 2016.


Watermark with Ross Beaty


There's Still Time! Explore Vancouver's Waterways this Summer