Request for meeting with Minister of Environment

Dear Minister Dombrowsky,

Further to your office?s invitation for a meeting of November 24, 2003, we are writing to request a meeting with you, the Minister of Environment, to discuss the Red Hill Creek Expressway.

Mr. Dominic Agostino, MPP indicated that he would meet with us on November 24 but his office failed to respond to our attempts to set up an appointment.

Mr. Toby Barrett, MPP also called upon you in the legislature on December 3, 2003 to meet with us. This request was termed "cynical" and "cheap" by your parliamentary assistant one week later.

As you are aware, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper first made our request for a review of the Red Hill Creek Expressway on August 20, 2003. We understood from comments appearing in the Hamilton Spectator on November 7 that we could expect a decision from your office by the middle of November.

Our original request was submitted two months before construction began in the Red Hill Valley. In the intervening months, thousands of trees have been removed, dozens of individuals have been arrested, and your staff has had significant time to review our material.

We would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this matter with you openly and to ensure that you understand the new information presented by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper. We trust that you will give this matter your immediate and personal attention.

Yours truly,

Mark Mattson
President & Waterkeeper

Cc: Premier Dalton McGuinty
Dominic Agostino, MPP
Marilyn Churley, MPP
Toby Barrett, MPP
Bill Dunphy, Hamilton Spectator
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Waterkeeper Alliance
Murray Klippenstein


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