Comments re: Consultation on the Canadian Environmental Assessment Process

April 3, 2009

Jane Stewart, Programs Coordinator

Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment

360 – 123 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB. R3C 1A3


In response to the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment discussion paper, Potential Models for a One Project - One Environmental Assessment Approach, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper offers the following commentary:

In our view, the Paper is riddled with unsubstantiated assumptions, omissions, contradictions and inconsistencies, and conclusions that defy common sense. As a result, it fails to assist in legitimate public consultation.

In addition to the commentary and recommendations below, Waterkeeper concurs and supports the analysis contained in the report by Arlene Kwasniak, entitled Harmonization in Environmental Assessment in Canada: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly. We understand that the Canadian Environmental Network filed this report with the CCME in March, 2009. It is also available on the Network’s website.

Read the entire comment submitted to the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment here.


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