Environmental coalition urges McGuinty to think twice on new nukes

On June 3, 2009, thirteen environmental organizations delivered a message to Premier Dalton McGuinty: say no to new nuclear reactors in Ontario.

In an open letter to the Premier, Environmental Defence, The Pembina Institute, WWF Canada, CELA, Ecojustice, Great Lakes United, Greenpeace, the Ontario Clean Air Alliance, Sierra Club, Council of Canadians, Low-Income Energy Network and Ontario Sustainable Energy Association made the case to delay any decision on buying or refurbishing new nuclear plants until the province’s energy plan is reviewed again in three years.

The group highlights many reasons why “there’s never been a better time not to buy a reactor”:

  • Electricity demand has been falling since 2005, making new nuclear power unnecessary

  • Nuclear costs are more than double what they were estimated to be in 2005 - with large cost overruns already expected

  • The excess and inflexible nature of nuclear power is a threat to overall system stability

  • The current provincial energy plan reserves 50% of the grid for nuclear generation. Renewable energy investment under the Green Energy Act could replace nuclear power as the reactors reach the end of their operational lives

"New reactors are neither needed nor economical today. What is needed, however, is more space on the electricity grid for Green Energy Act to be put to work. Committing to replace Pickering with green power is the next positive step the government must take toward expanding green energy and jobs," said Shawn-Patrick Stensil, Energy and Climate Campaigner for Greenpeace.

This week’s Living at the Barricades continues the critical look at just what’s happening with nuclear power in Canada today. From secret documents to the selling of AECL to private companies, Greenpeace’s Shawn-Patrick Stensil joins Mark and Krystyn to try to sort it all out.

Music on this week's show:

Blackalicious - Alphabet Aerobics

Finlayson/ Maize - You Win Again

The Black Crowes - Twice as Hard

Bonnie Raitt - Something to Talk About

Listen to the show:

Listen to this week's show online (right-click to download).

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