Submission on the Environmental Assessment Advisory Panel

Blair Rohaly
Project Manager, Strategic Policy Branch
Ministry of Environment
135 St. Clair Avenue West, 11th Floor
Toronto, ON M4V 1P5

Re: EBR posting, "Improvements to Ontario's Environmental Assessment Process"
Registry # XA04E0015

Dear Mr. Rohaly,

Further to the EBR registry posting of September 17, 2004, Waterkeeper is writing to comment on the Terms of Reference for the Advisory Panel on Improvements to Ontario's Environmental Assessment Process.

Waterkeeper is concerned that this review of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act is not being conducted in a manner consistent with traditional legislative reviews or with the principles of fair and open decision-making.

Our specific concerns are as follows:

  1. That the review is being conducted by an appointed panel rather than a committee of the Ontario Legislature.

  2. That the areas of the EA in need of "improvement" have not been determined by the public or by a multi-partisan committee of their elected representatives.

  3. That the Terms of Reference clearly indicate that all, "deliberations, votes, recommendations, draft or final reports," are confidential.

We trust that you will take steps to transform this review into a fair, open process that will truly be for the betterment of all the people of Ontario.

Yours truly,

Krystyn Tully
Executive Director

Mark Mattson


Request for Review, Procedure F-5-5


Open letter to Port Hope Council