You have the Heart of a Lake

About once a year Lake Ontario Waterkeeper sends out a donation request to our Waterkeeper Weekly readers. This year we thought we would do something a little bit different. We need Click here to make your tax-deductible donation.

  • Join our online community. On Facebook: We promote most of our events via the Lake Ontario Waterkeeper Group page. Become a Fan today. Our organization and most of our staff are Twittering regularly. Follow one or all of us via Swim Drink Fish Music Club is fast-becoming one our most successful and exciting ventures. The Club is an online music and audio experience developed by LOW in collaboration with other Waterkeeper organizations across Canada. Bringing together artists, activists, and citizens who care about clean water, the Swim Drink Fish Music Club invites you to become a member, celebrate music, and be part of the fight for swimmable, drinkable, fishable water. Participating musicians include: Broken Social Scene, Sarah Harmer, Bill Frisell, Gord Downie, Chris Brown, Kate Fenner, Stars, Dave Bidini, Bruce Cockburn Tony Scherr, Apostle of Hustle, Attack in Black, Emma Lee, Ghost Bees, Tony Dekker, Land of Talk, Matt & Jill Barber, Neko Case, Ohbijou, and Wintersleep.


  • Listen to Living at the Barricades. Our weekly radio show about water and democracy is always one of iTunes’ top-rated government & organization programs. The show airs on community radio in Kingston, Peterborough, Guelph and other communities. You can subscribed to the podcast via the iTunes Music Store or any other podcatching service. Co-hosted by Waterkeeper Mark Mattson and LOW Vice President Krystyn Tully, Living at the Barricades tells stories about communities, activists, and the big decisions that lead us closer - or push us further away - from swimmable, drinkable, fishable water.


  • Shop H2O+. Shop online at H2O+. You'll save 10% PLUS 15% of your purchase will be donated to Lake Ontario Waterkeeper. Marking the international launch of Sea Pure™, H2O Plus’ first all-natural skincare collection, this philanthropic effort underscores the brand’s regard for marine life. Sea Pure™ reveals naturally younger-looking, age-resilient skin by harnessing the power of sea moss, sea lavender and other marine-sourced nutrients. The products are great and the company's support for our work is worth recognizing.


  • Volunteer. There are so many ways to help out! Lake Ontario Waterkeeper is part of Canada's voluntary sector. We rely on volunteers to help govern, staff, and promote our good works. We are always looking for new faces to help out. If you are interested in being part of the Lake Ontario Waterkeeper volunteer team, email us: Volunteer jobs include: Administrative support, Special events, Research, Fundraising, Photography, Promotions and publicity, Web design & maintenance.


Listen to Living at the Barricades.

This very special episode features three of the six performers in Heart of a Lake: Gord Downie, Tanis Rideout, and your Waterkeeper, Mark Mattson. (You will hear author Joseph Boyden's readings on the Moose River during an upcoming episode of Living at the Barricades.) Two of our performers, Andrea Nann and Brendan Wyatt, brought motion and beauty to the performance; these dancers graced the stage throughout the hour-long presentation. While you cannot see them on radio, they are an important part of our story: the determination to keep moving, the commitment to a swimmable, drinkable, fishable future must occur over, and over, and over again.


Asian carp barrier to be shut down, canal poisoned tonight


Southeast Collector Trunk Sewer Environmental Assessment