Lake Ontario Waterkeeper submits comment on McAsphalt application for discharge into the air

EBR #010-7124 - McAsphalt Industries Limited Approval for discharge into the natural

environment other than water (i.e. Air) - EPA s. 9

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper is writing in response to the above-noted proposal by

McAsphalt Industries for an amended site-wide Certificate of Approval for their facility in


The facility is located at 1221 Farewell Street in Oshawa, on a point of land jutting out into

Lake Ontario. It is situated between the Oshawa harbour and an undeveloped piece of

land that includes Gifford Hill and the protected Second Marsh. McAsphalt has applied for

a Certificate of Approval to install a Delta Cooling Tower and a Torit Dust Collector on site.

According to the Emissions Summary Dispersion Modelling Report (ESDM), the facility

emits particulates, nitrous oxides, hydrochloric acid, volatile organic compounds (VOC’s),

fuel oil, 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, benzene, ethylbenzene, hexane, toluene, and xylene.

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper submits that site-specific air modeling for the McAsphalt facility

must be completed, including a consideration of the effects of shoreline fumigation, before

the Ministry of the Environment can make a decision on this proposal that complies with

the SEVs.

Read our full submission here.

Read the report commissioned by LOW regarding shoreline emission dispersal here.


Canadian Waterkeepers comment on Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality


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