Celebrate clean water with Waterkeeper and H2O+

About fifty times a year, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper researches, writes, and delivers to you this e-newsletter. Most of the time, our articles summarize the important decisions and activities that threaten a swimmable, drinkable, fishable future in our watershed. This week, we encourage you to celebrate clean water and help us continue with our work.

We've written once before about one of our sponsors, H2O+. Some of our Toronto-area members joined us at the Eaton Centre store last winter to talk about Waterkeeper's work and test the H2O+ line of environmentally-friendly skincare products. (Click here to view photos.)

H2O+ has just opened its new location in the Toronto Eaton Centre, and they are supporting our work in the process.

Visitors who wander through the new H2O+ store before April 30th will find fun-facts about Lake Ontario, surprising snippets of information that help to capture some of the things we love about our lake. (Did you know, for example, that if you live in Toronto you are 60% Lake Ontario?!) They can also join this newsletter, the Swim Drink Fish Music Club, or our print mailing list. And they can win great H2O+ product prizes in the process!

We know that readers of Waterkeeper.ca Weekly follow water issues closely. We respect that, so we will continue to write about the grassroots and national issues that affect your ability to safely swim, drink, or fish in your own backyard.

You can help us keep at it by seeing what one of our proudest supporters has to offer at H20plus.com. If you purchase any H2O+ product in the store before April 30th, two great things will happen: You will save 10% and H2O+ will donate 15% of your purchase to Lake Ontario Waterkeeper. You will also have a chance to win an H2O+ gift worth over $150, when H2O+ draws 5 winners on April 30. Please make sure to print this message or remember the promotion code: 029062.

Please spread the word as well. It is not enough that we do what we do for water - we need celebrations and friends along the way!

Thank you for reading week after week. Thank you for your care and concern for water issues. Our regular Waterkeeper.ca Weekly news returns tomorrow with an article and podcast about "modernizing" environmental law in Ontario.


Waterkeeper seeks intervenor status in the Pickering A relicencing hearing


Waterkeeper submits review of Ontario's proposal to fundamentally change the environmental approvals system