Waterkeeper seeks public comment on Wolfe Island Wetland project

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper is seeking public comment on a new report on the creation of a Wolfe Island Wetland Corridor.

The Wolfe Island Wetland Corridor would replace the old, clogged Wolfe Island Canal with fish and wildlife habitat. The project would create spawning beds and improve water quality. The Wetland Corridor will be one of the largest wetland rehabilitation projects on Lake Ontario.

The Wetland Corridor project is in the very early planning stages, and Waterkeeper is encouraging the public to make comments on the report. The document is available online at www.waterkeeper.ca, at Mosier?s Service Station (Wolfe Island), and the Kingston Public Library (as of January 28, 2005).

A public meeting has been scheduled for 8 pm, February 8, 2005 at the Wolfe Island fire hall. The author of the report, biologist Doug Howell, will be available to answer questions. The public is encouraged to attend.

The public comment period ends February 25, 2005. At that point, Waterkeeper will finalize the project description and begin seeking funding and government approvals.

There will be more opportunities for public participation once the formal project proposal is complete.

For more information, please visit www.waterkeeper.ca

Mark Mattson
President & Waterkeeper


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