Waterkeeper submits Interrogatories to the Joint Review Panel for the Darlington New Nuclear Power Plant Project

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper has submitted a list of 34 suggested Interrogatories, or technical questions, for Ontario Power Generation (OPG) with regard to the proposed Darlington New Nuclear Power Plant Project. LOW identified gaps in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Technical Support Documents (TSDs) provided by OPG with the assistance of our retained experts, including Wilf Ruland, Hydrogeologist, Dr. Peter Henderson, Cooling Water Systems Expert, Doug Howell, Fish Habitat Expert, David Dillenbeck, Aquatic Biologist, and Peter Faye, Energy Systems Consultant.

The Darlington New Nuclear project represents a long-term commitment to nuclear power generation along the shores of Lake Ontario. For decades, nuclear power plants and fuel manufacturers have dotted the Lake Ontario shoreline. They have been responsible for massive fish kills and groundwater contamination. Their industrial footprint has contributed to the overall decline of Lake Ontario, which now has the worst coastal wetland health on the Great Lakes.

With an estimated cost of close to $20-billion and a multi-year licencing process, the proposed Darlington New Nuclear project will be a major commitment for Ontarians. Its environmental, economic, and cultural impacts will alter the Lake Ontario community for generations to come.

LOW has been an active participant in the federal Environmental Assessment (EA) process since it began, and we continue to gather evidence for the Joint Review Panel hearing that is currently anticipated to begin in fall 2010.

This is the first set of Interrogatories LOW has submitted in the EA process. The 34 questions reflect those areas where additional information is required in order for our consultants to assess the full potential impact of the proposed new nuclear power plant project. We hope to receive answers to these questions from OPG in order to prepare reports that will benefit the Panel and further the public interest in the EA hearing.

We have asked the Panel to submit our questions to OPG and instruct the company to respond. We have asked for the questions to be answered individually and in writing as soon as possible, so that our consultants can continue their review and help augment the information available to the Panel.

You can read our complete set of Interrogatories here.

Click here for more information on LOW's work on the Darlington project to date.


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