Waterkeeper submits Participant Statement in anticipation of Nelson Quarry hearing

Aggregate has been pulled from the Niagara Escarpment at Mount Nemo since 1952. The existing Burlington Quarry is now approaching the end of its life. Hoping to continue to extract two million tonnes of material from the area each year, Nelson Aggregate Company purchased the property south of the existing quarry and applied to continue quarrying there.

LOW has been working closely with Protecting Escarpment Rural Land (PERL) on issues associated with the proposed quarry expansion since 2005. Concerned that the proposal could seriously impact water resources and fish habitat in our watershed, LOW continues to support research and objections presented by PERL as a participant before a Joint Board of the Environmental Review Tribunal and the Ontario Municipal Board.

LOW objects to quarrying on the Niagara Escarpment. Nelson should not be granted a Class A licence to quarry below water in an area where vital water resources are already impacted by development. In our Participant Statement, we asked the Joint Board to deny Nelson Aggregate’s application to expand the Burlington Quarry, so that the area can be protected and restored.

LOW submitted our Participant Statement on October 1st in anticipation of the hearing, which is set to start on October 26, 2010. Throughout the hearing, LOW will provide online updates on the proceedings for all those interested in the implications of the Joint Board's decision for Mount Nemo and water resources in Ontario.

Read LOW's Participant Statement here. Read the appendices that accompany the Statement here.


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