Nelson Aggregate hearing explained

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper (LOW) is responsible for protecting and celebrating the Lake Ontario watershed, including every wetland, stream, river, and creek that flows into the lake. An important part of that work involves participating in legal processes to help ensure that environmental decisions are made on the basis of sound and tested scientific evidence by independent decision-makers and in the public interest.

Due to the potential impacts of quarrying on Lake Ontario and its watershed, LOW has been working closely with Protecting Escarpment Rural Land (PERL) on the proposed quarry expansion since 2005.

Brief timeline of submissions leading up to the hearing:

  1. July 17, 2005 - LOW formally opposes quarry expansion.

  1. June 30, 2006 - LOW objects to Nelson's application to remove over 20,000 tonnes annually

  1. July 27, 2006 - LOW opposes a proposed amendment to the Aggregate Resources Act

  1. April 2, 2008 - LOW continues to object Nelson's initial attempts to modify proposal

  1. October 1, 2010 - LOW submits participant statement in anticipation of hearing

Still concerned that the proposal could seriously impact water resources and fish habitat in our watershed, LOW continues to support research and objections presented by PERL as a participant in this hearing.

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Read the Nelson Blog here.


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Archived hearing notes

Key Issues

The Hearing Process

Impact on Lake Ontario

Impact on Wetlands

Impact on Fish Populations

Impact on the Threatened Jefferson Salamander

Reports and Sources


Port Granby: Leaking radioactive hazardous waste site


Darlington New Nuclear Hearing: Lake Ontario Waterkeeper Presentation