Background reports for the Nelson Aggregate hearing

At the hearing, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper will make a statement that relies on available scientific evidence. One important source is the Joint Agency Review Team (JART) Report, which represents a valuable source of specific, independent science produced exclusively in the public interest.

LOW believes that, in order to make a decision based on a complete understanding of the potential impacts of a new quarry, it is essential to consider the implications at the watershed level. This is consistent with the Ontario Provincial Policy Statement, 2005, which requires planning authorities to protect, improve or restore the quality and quantity of water by using the watershed as the ecologically meaningful scale for planning [s.2.2.1(a)]. The JART reflects this principle, providing a review that encompasses the entire Mount Nemo Plateau.

LOW also relies on the studies commissioned by PERL in the public interest. One example is a review by Wilf Ruland (P. Geo.), a hydrogeologist hired by PERL in 2005. Another is a report by hydrogeologist Ray Blackport, commissioned by PERL in 2007.

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Key Issues

The Hearing Process

Impact on Lake Ontario

Impact on Wetlands

Impact on Fish Populations

Impact on the Threatened Jefferson Salamander

Reports and Sources


Important Nelson Aggregate hearing information


Impact of the Nelson Aggregate quarry expansion on Lake Ontario