Waterkeeper writes to correct misleading and untrue claim published in Northumberland News letter

Bill Tuer’s letter (Nov 22) contains a claim that requires immediate correction. Mr. Tuer mistakenly stated that Lake Ontario Waterkeeper used federal government funds to finance Dr. Helen Caldicott's presentation about nuclear issues and Port Hope. That is false. Lake Ontario Waterkeeper did not contribute any money to the Caldicott event.

Waterkeeper did receive funding to participate in an environmental assessment of Cameco's Vision 2010 project. We use those funds to conduct research exactly as required by the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency. We respect the rules of the environmental assessment process. We take our research responsibilities seriously.

Mr. Tuer also implied that elected officials are responsible for participant funding decisions, which is untrue. Political influence during an environmental assessment is, of course, inappropriate. Decisions are made by independent committee. Information about how the Agency's participant funding program operates is readily available on its website.

Mr. Tuer's misinformed and misleading statements about our organization and Canadian laws bring our organization and the Government of Canada's environmental assessment process into disrepute. We are extremely disappointed that your newspaper published his letter.

We encourage members of the public and media who have an interest in our research to contact our office any time.


Nelson Hearing - November 22, 2010

