We told the Ontario Gov't to pass the Great Lakes Protection Act (and here's why)

Waterkeeper Mark Mattson presenting to the Standing Committee his reasons for supporting Bill 66, the Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015. (Photo via Lake Ontario Waterkeeper)

"You should not pass the Act just because environmentalists support it. You pass the Act because it is the smartest investment in this province’s future that a government can make."
-- Waterkeeper, Mark Mattson

Bill 66, the Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015 was re-introduced to legislation to help protect and restore the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence River Basin. On September 23, 2015, nine organizations, including Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, gave 5-minute presentations to the Standing Committee on General Government summarizing why they support the Act.

This is Waterkeeper Mark Mattson's presentation.

Read the Committee Transcript from September 23, 2015 on Bill 66, Great Lakes Protection Act, 2015


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