Give the gift of swimmable water

Looking for the perfect holiday gift for someone you love?

Sponsor any beach in Swim Guide. We’ll create a custom banner on your favourite beach in Swim Guide, recognizing your pledge for clean water.

Swim Guide beach sponsorships are $500 a year. In honour of the holidays, we’re offering any beach to supporters for $150 for a summer-long beach sponsorship (MAY-AUGUST). Six months sponsorships are and $250, and $50 for a month-long sponsorship. 

Dedicate a beach to someone who loves beaches as much as you love them.

By sponsoring a beach you are helping us keep water quality information for the beach available. You are helping prevent people for getting sick from swimming in contaminated water. You are helping people find a great, clean place to swim. Help your loved ones claim the places they love to swim. 

Thank you for supporting swimmable water!

Since 2011 Lake Ontario Waterkeeper has been working hard to make current beach water quality information easy to access for everyone. Swim Guide exists because we don’t want anyone to get sick from swimming. We want to make it simple for people to find great places to swim and to be aware of the quality of the water at their favourite swimming spots.

We believe people should always be able to access the answer the question, “Can I swim here?”.


Goodbye, Sanford


Sewage affecting Toronto Harbour, says new report from Waterkeeper (Press Release)