RBC’s Blue Water Day: A BLUE-tiful day to celebrate swimmable drinkable fishable water!

Did you know that Swim Guide – the world’s most comprehensive beach app for swimmable water  – was created by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper?

Did you know that the Watermark Project protects waterbodies across Canada?

Did you know that these high-impact projects were made possible because of RBC Blue Water Project?

TImeline showing the RBC Blue Water Project's incredible contribution to growing the Swim Drink Fish Community. (Image via Lake Ontario Waterkeeper)

By donating $600,000 to Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, the RBC Blue Water Project has helped to make our work for swimmable drinkable fishable water possible. This year, we are excited to announce that the RBC Blue Water Project will support the launch of a nationwide “Campaign for Water Literacy.” (Stay tuned for more details.)

Since launching in 2007, RBC’s commitment to water issues has significantly influenced the public’s understanding of Canadian water awareness. It has also reinforced the significance of our work. RBC Blue Water Project reminds us of our fragile blue treasures in our backyards and veins.

But what is the RBC Blue Water Project? In short, the RBC Blue Water Project is a 10-year, $50 million global initiative designed to protect waterways and ensure sustainability for the future. Each year on June 2nd, RBC's employees from around the world engage in Blue Water Day in celebration of the project. In addition to the full-day, employees are also invited to actively engage in water issues. For example, they can attend community clean ups, educate their friends and family on water issues, or plant trees.

It is largely because of the RBC Blue Water Project that the Swim Drink Fish Community of 650,000 people is growing. It is because of the RBC Blue Water Project that the National Water Center  – Canada’s first centre dedicated to promoting water and culture – opened in 2014. It is because of the RBC Blue Water Project that our cross-Canada Campaign for Water Literacy is now underway – bridging the gap between Canadian water values and the lack of water knowledge (see RBC Canadian Water Attitudes Study, 2015).

So on June 2nd, guess where we’ll be? We’re joining RBC’s headquarters in Toronto to celebrate the 9th consecutive year of RBC Blue Water Project with 4000 RBC employees!

Follow online! #RBCBlueWater and @RBC.

RBC employees celebrating RBC Blue Water Day in 2013 by planting more than 2,500 water-friendly gardens. The gardens were transplanted to the lower Don Valley River and Rouge Park to help protect water in Toronto. (CNW Group/RBC).


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