Waterkeeper & Jack Johnson partner for "All At Once Tour"

‘An Individual action, multiplied by millions, creates global change’. That’s the slogan behind the All At Once campaign, the social action network and global community. All At Once, which also happens to include an amazing summer music festival headlined by campaign founder Jack Johnson, provides information, tools, and motivation to empower individuals to become active in their local and world community.

The All At Once summer tour - hitting Toronto on June 4th - is designed to build community and promote environmental actions. In every city visited, concert go-ers get the chance to meet local non-profits supporting the tours environmental focus and discover how they can make change. The focus of this year’s tour is plastics pollution in our natural waterways.

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper is 1 of 11 Toronto not-for-profits partnered with this year’s campaign. We’ll be on site at the show on June 4th at the Budweiser stage hosting an information booth on microplastics pollution in the Great Lakes, and sharing the single thing you can do to help.

REPORT] it using Swim Guide's pollution reporting tool: https://www.theswimguide.org/report/ [FOLLOW] Lake Ontario Waterkeeper (https://www.facebook.com/LakeOntarioWaterkeeper) to get the latest news on #plasticspollution [SHARE] this video if you've seen plastics in your watershed. Plastics make up 80% of litter in the Great Lakes.

While we discuss the threat that Microplastics play in our Great Lakes - Jack Johnson discusses the threat they play in our oceans with the launch of a new documentary film ‘The Smog of the Sea’ which chronicles a 1-week journey through the remote waters of the Sargasso Sea capturing the extent of plastics pollution in our oceans.

Here’s how you can help:

From May 1st until September 1st, 2017 the Jack Johnson Ohana Charitable Foundation will match up to $2,500 in donations to support our work combatting pollution in Lake Ontario. With your help we could raise $5,000!  Click here securely donate.

To make sure your contribution is doubled, remember to write "allatonce" in the memo line of your cheque or online donation, fill it in the comment box for online donations, or send us an email to confirm the match.

If you want to volunteer with Waterkeeper at the Concert? Email volunteers@waterkeeper.ca for information (space is limited).

For more information on reporting plastics pollution visit: www.waterkeeper.ca/cases-microplastics

Details for the All At Once Tour and Show can be found at www.allatonce.org.


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