Why your Kingston Shoreline Story is important.

Photo: Lake Ontario Waterkeeper

The Shoreline Shuffle Salute Exhibit opened this past Saturday at the Tett Centre for Creativity and Learning. It was a beautiful day to remember the success of the 2013 Shoreline Shuffle, and to build on the progress of the original event with a community collection of Kingston Waterfront Stories.

The exhibit showcased photos from the original shuffle, and gathered key organizers Dave McDonald, Su Sheedy, and Mary Farrar.

Part photography exhibit and part community call-to-action - The Shoreline Shuffle Salute does more than simply remember. It looks to the future.

When you drop by the exhibit we ask you to share your memory of the Kingston waterfront to the map. All submissions will be presented to Kingston City Council and Staff as an official submission at the end of the Summer. The intent is to remind the city that Kingston cares about its waterfront and that the Kingston Waterfront Master Plan is a priority.

The commitment to celebrate and enjoy the shores of Lake Ontario  that lives within the Kingston community embodies everything that we at Lake Ontario Waterkeeper work for as an organization.

The exhibit is on display until Friday in the Community Gallery (Room 109) each day from 9:00am until 4:30pm. Please come by, share your shoreline story, and continue this campaign for change.

The Shoreline Shuffle Salute is part of the Kingston and Wolfe Island Culture Festival running until August 12th.

Visit waterkeeper.ca/culturefestival for more events and details.



Join Waterkeeper for water sampling at Breakwater Park


Kingston's Shoreline Shuffle Salutes your Waterfront Memories