Lake Ontario Waterkeeper makes a promise to the Great Lakes


This week Lake Ontario Waterkeeper staff made a promise to protect the Great Lakes - and now we're inviting you to do the same.

The Great Lakes define our borders, inhabit our memories, and nourish our culture. We, along with tens of mllions of people play on their shores, drink their water, and enjoy the fish within.

At Waterkeeper, we know that together we can start a movement for a swimmable, drinkable, fishable future for our Great Lakes to preserve and protect them for generations to come.

How? It starts with a promise. Visit and make your Great Lakes Promise today.

Tell us your favourite Great Lake. Sign the promise to protect it. Then, share it online and ask your friends to do the same.

Matt Chisholm

Swim Drink Fish Community Coordinator


Dana Jackson

Watermark Project Coordinator

Rebecca Harrison

Manager of Programs, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper


Amy Wilford

Development and Engagement Specialist

Matt Flowers

Research Coordinator


Angela Munroe

Operations Manager

Li Black

Swimmable Water Policy Intern


Gabrielle Parent-Doliner

Swim Guide Program Manager

Elise Mackie

Swim Guide Assistant


Melanie Edmond

Watermark Project Assistant


Don’t make me do a beach cleanup ever again. Please. Ever.


Canada Beach Report 2017 – Comparative Study of Canadian Recreational Water Quality Monitoring