City officials to discuss Toronto water quality at public meeting, September 20

Photo: Toronto and Region Remedial Action Plan (Toronto RAP)

Senior officials from the City of Toronto will take the stage at a “Lake Ontario Evenings” event on September 20 at the Gladstone Hotel.

The event is part of the Toronto & Region Remedial Action Plan program, a twenty-year-old initiative to restore the Toronto waterfront.

From the event page:

“We will be discussing current water quality conditions along the Toronto waterfront, what is being done to address environmental challenges, and how we can move toward delisting Toronto and Region as a Great Lakes Area of Concern.”

Presentations will feature:

Mahesh Patel, Manager, Healthy Environments at Toronto Public Health.

Dr. Todd Howell, Great Lakes Ecologist at Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change.

Lou Di Gironimo, General Manager, Toronto Water at City of Toronto.

A discussion will follow the presentations.

Toronto water quality is one of the biggest concerns to Lake Ontario Waterkeeper’s volunteers and supporters. This is an important opportunity to hear directly from city officials about their plans to ensure city waters are swimmable, drinkable, fishable.

To attend this free event, register at this site here. We’ll see you there.


When: September 20
Time: 6pm-9pm
Where: Gladstone Hotel, 1214 Queen St. West, Toronto


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