Waterkeeper supports CELA request for review of Ontario's Environmental Bill of Rights

I am writing to endorse the recent application for review filed by Theresa A. McClenaghan and Richard D. Lindgren of the Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA).

LOW is a grassroots environmental organization that uses research, education, and legal tools to protect and restore the public’s right to swim, drink, and fish in Lake Ontario. Founded in 2001, LOW is a non-political registered charity focusing on research and justice issues in the public interest.

LOW is responsible for protecting and celebrating the Lake Ontario watershed, including the wetlands, streams, rivers, and creeks that flow into the lake. We conduct academic, legal, and field research, and share our findings with the public. LOW works with communities to facilitate use of environmental laws to protect their rights. LOW participates in legal processes to help ensure that environmental decisions are made on the basis of sound and tested scientific evidence by independent decision-makers and in the public interest.

In our ten-year history, LOW has relied on the Environmental Bill of Rights many times. We have submitted applications for investigation, applications for review, and commented on proposals through the environmental registry. In many cases, we have experienced challenges and difficulties with the process. We have reviewed CELA’s submission and agree with their analysis. We believe the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, the Ministry of the Environment, and the Government of Ontario should accept CELA’s application and initiate a review of the Environmental Bill of Rights.

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