Waterkeeper responds to Ontario Environmental Commissioner’s 2010/2011 Annual Report

We are losing momentum on dealing with environmental issues in Ontario. That’s the main conclusion of the Ontario Environmental Commissioner’s 2010/2011 Annual Report, released today (http://www.eco.on.ca/).

“I have 30 years of environmental protection and I'm nervous about our situation,” Commissioner Gord Miller said at a Queen’s Park press conference this morning.

Waterkeeper Mark Mattson agrees. “The report shows that we need to remember what we are fighting for. It is easy to lose your path, to lose sight of your purpose. In our case, it is a swimmable, drinkable, fishable future.”

Here are the main points from the Commissioner’s reports:

  • Lobbying is a problem

  • Environment departments are underfunded

  • Great Lakes need better protection

  • Ontario is failing to protect the lakes from aquaculture

  • Ontario’s enforcement programs are weak

  • “Modernization” of the environmental approvals process leaves the public in the cold, needs diligent enforcement

  • The Open for Business omnibus bill obstructed public participation

For highlights, please see Waterkeeper's website: www.waterkeeper.ca.

For interviews, please contact Waterkeeper Mark Mattson: 416-861-1237 or via news [at] waterkeeper.ca


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