If you don't declare your love for water, who will?

There has never been a more important time to declare your love for water. For the last two months, we have brought you stories about aggressive cuts to environmental protections across the country. Every major national environmental law is being weakened in a 400-page omnibus budget bill. 3,872 public service positions have been cut. Yesterday, over 500 websites went dark to protest the attack on Canadian environmentalists. 

Today, we're giving you a chance to speak out. It's easy. It's positive. And you've got 14 days to act. 

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper has linked up with SocialPakt to create an exclusive, limited-time T-shirt you can purchase to help us raise $300. Go here.  Support clean water.  Show the world you love your lake.

  1. Purchase a shirt

  2. Share this email with your friends and family

  3. Tweet this link

  4. Share this opportunity with your friends on Facebook.


Think Earth is the water planet? Think again | Great Lakes Echo


Marc Yaggi: Countdown to Summer: The New Waterkeeper Swim Guide for Safe Swimming