33 groups support IJC's Plan 2014 for water regulation in Lake Ontario & St. Lawrence River

33 environmental, conservation, and sportsmen organizations, including Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, have submitted comments to the International Joint Commission (IJC) supporting the full implementation of Plan 2014. Plan 2014 is the IJC's plan for regulating the levels and flows of Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River.

The groups urge the American and Canadian Federal Governments to approve Plan 2014 immediately. The scientific research behind Plan 2014 clearly establishes the benefits of the plan. More natural rhythms of levels and flows will benefit migrating and nesting waterfowl, key wetland habitats, beaches and dunes, and “canary-in-the-coal-mine” species like the northern pike. The case for Plan 2014 is further strengthened by a growing global body of scientific literature on the consequences of regulating rivers and lakes, and on the benefits of restoring more natural flows.

Read the full letter here.

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper previously commented on updated regulation in 2006. You can find that submission here.


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