King's Mill Park photo gallery & field notes
Images from KMP-1

Images from KMP-3

Humber River Notes-Eric Mattson
Thursday July 19th 1:15 pm KMP1/H1
King?s Mill Park, west side of the Humber river
GPS N43o 38.525 W 079o 29.434
Arrived at site with Mark Mattson at 1pm. Met with Tom Adams Vyacheshlav and Brenda
Took two photos facing seep, one photo facing Humber river from GPS location
Seep is orange and flows directly into river odor is present
Photo of point of sample for LC50
rinsed container 3x with leachate
filled one 25 litre bucket ?obtained from Beak laboratories, bucket was lened sealed and lid was placed on
temperature of leachate 19oc
filled second 25 litre pail temp 19oc sealed initialed pail
bucket was lined with plastic
initialed dated buckets sample H1 EM EBI july19 h1
smell was very strong, difficult to obtain sample with such strong odour
finished at 1:35 pm
Refer to h1 as kmp1Thursday July 19th KMP3/H2 2:05 pm west side Humber tributary
from H1 we got into Mark?s truck and drove to site H2 (refer to as KMP3) GPS N43o38.843
strong odor noticed
Tom Adams sampling test: 2 litre brown jars amonia
took photos
berm-like barrier orangebrown sf side fencing and on water oily surface
small pipe discharging into seep-photo
made sure sample leachate did not have a lot of particles in it
temp of liquid 11oc
returned to vehicle at 2:30pm to leave for Beak labs with 4 25 litre pails 2 1 litre brown jars and 1 preservative container
labeled and sealed and dated all samples
arrived at Beak at 3:09pm
turn sample to Joanne Graham at Beak at 3:15 pm for LC-50 test on h1 and h2
arrived at Phillips at 4:20 gave brown jar samples to Belcota Meda
-- Eric