Manufactured Landscapes

In conjunction with the March 6th DVD release of the award-winning film MANUFACTURED LANDSCAPES, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper invites readers of Weekly to enter a contest to win a grand-prize original Edward Burtynsky print or one of numerous secondary prizes. The team behind this incredible documentary have shown enthusiastic support for Waterkeepers over the last year, and we think many of our members will be inspired by the passion and artistry behind MANUFACTURED LANDSCAPES.

You can enter the contest here. You can buy the DVD here.

WINNER Best Documentary 2007 Genie Awards WINNER Best Canadian Film Toronto International Film Festival WINNER Best Documentary Calgary International Film festival WINNER Best Canadian Documentary – Atlantic Film Festival Official Selection – Sundance Film Festival 2007

Edward Burtynsky is internationally acclaimed for his large-scale photographs of nature transformed by industry. Manufactured Landscapes is a stunning documentary by award winning director Jennifer Baichwal – follows Burtynsky to China, as he captures the effects of the country's massive industrial revolution. This remarkable film leads us to meditate on human endeavour and its impact on the planet.

AWE INSPIRING! Stimulates the senses and the conscience simultaneously - THE HOLLYWOOD REPORTER

BEAUTIFUL in its depiction of industrial ugliness - TORONTO SUN

A protracted exploration of the aesthetic, social and spiritual dimensions of industrialization and globalization. Raises some significant and sobering questions about the impact that we, as humans, make on our environment - NEW YORK TIMES

Manufactured Landscapes tracks the beauty and the horror of industry's imprint on the earth - NOW MAGAZINE

DVD Features include:

  • Additional Scenes (optional Director's Commentary)

  • Stills Gallery with Commentary by Edward Burtynsky

  • Discussion with the Director & Edward Burtynsky

  • Mini-Interview with Cinematographer/Collaborator

  • Theatrical Trailer

  • Optional French Subtitles

  • 5.1 Audio



1.Prize: One Original Edward Burtynsky Print ($2,500 Value) Shipyard #18, Qili Port, China 2005, (18x22 edition 11/25)

1 of 3 signed copies of the book Burtynsky: China ($120 Value) 1 of 5 Manufactured Landscapes DVDs ($34.95 Value) 1 of 15 pairs of tickets to the Art Gallery of Ontarios Emily Carr exhibit ($30 Value) 1 of 15 Manufactured Landscapes posters ($10 Value)

Enter the contest at: (Limit one entry per person - Contest closes April 15th)


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