See Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. at Green Living Show, Saturday

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, president of Waterkeeper Alliance, will speak about environmental justice and the Waterkeeper movement at the Green Living Show in Toronto, this Saturday. Kennedy appears via the LongPen - a unique technology that allows him to interact with the audience from a Waterkeeper Alliance conference in the U.S. and sign your copies of his book, Crimes Against Nature.

Kennedy is one of North America's most eloquent experts on environmental crime. His speeches, his books, and his radio show with Mike Papantonio, illustrate how corporate cronyism is threatening health, security, and democracy as we know it.

His is an important message. Even though the environment is a popular issue right now, individuals and communities all across Canada are still struggling to win back their environmental rights. When we have environmental justice, every public waterway in every community is clean enough to safely swim, drink, and fish in. Every citizen has access to clean water. And every citizen has access to the legal system that sets the rules and makes decisions about future uses. When we have environmental justice, it never matters how polluted your community already is. It never matters what kind of economic clout you wield. And it never matters how many political allies you have.

We don't have environmental justice in North America. Right now, historic pollution, economic clout, and political power dictate who gets the short end of the environmental stick. Join us at the Green Living Show Saturday from 1:00-2:00 pm. Hear about Kennedy's research and the Waterkeeper story. Learn about the legal and democratic traditions that are being sacrificed every day. Then help Waterkeepers win back our environmental rights.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. takes the stage at 1:00 pm, following a speech by global warming guru, Al Gore. Mark Mattson of Lake Ontario Waterkeeper will be introducing Kennedy and Denise Donlon will be leading the Q&A session.

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