2007 Living at the Barricades Year in Review: Part 1

Waterkeeper presents highlights for 2007 from its weekly radio show and podcast – Living at the Barricades. Living at the Barricades began broadcasting in August 2007 from ThatRadio.com studios in Toronto and on CFRC 101.9fm Campus and Community Radio in Kingston. In September, Waterkeeper launched Living at the Barricades as a weekly podcast on iTunes so that environmental justice stories can go with you down stream, up river, and across the Lake.

Part One of 2007's Year in Review includes:

  • Scott Edwards, Senior Legal Director at Waterkeeper Alliance and private informant in the case Edwards vs. DTE - This is a groundbreaking private prosecution under the Canadian Fisheries Act against Michigan-based DTE Energy. Mercury from DTE's coal-fired power plants is landing on the Canadian side of the St. Clair River, threatening fish habitat and resulting in fish consumption advisories. The case returns to court in January 2008.



  • Daniel LeBlanc, founder of Petitcodiac Riverkeeper, Canada's first Riverkeeper program - In 1968, the province of New Brunswick constructed the Petitcodiac River Causeway, a kilometer-long earthen dam that interrupts the natural tidal flow of the world's second largest tidal river. Fish populations have plummeted, native fish species have gone extinct and the size of the river has been significantly reduced. In Augst 2007 summer, after eight years of advocacy by Petitcodiac Riverkeeper, New Brunswick Premier Shawn Graham publicly declared New Brunswick's commitment to replace the causeway with a bridge to restore the river's free-flow.



  • Excerpts from the live taping at the General Wolfe Hotel with Peggy Smith and Sarah McDermott of Wolfe Island Residents for the Environment (WIRE) - January 4, 2008, Waterkeeper submitted our comment regarding recommendations about siting of the proposed 86 tower Wind Power project on Wolfe Island at the eastern end of Lake Ontario. The comment draws from the work of avian experts who challenge the proposed siting and density of the project. Waterkeeper requests that the Provincial government not approve the project as it stands and refer it to an independent panel review.


    The taping on Wolfe Island includes live music from Chris Brown and Tony Scherr performing "Superior."

  • Dave Bidini in-studio to celebrate the release of At the Barricades: Volume 1 - Dave Bidini is one of the founding members of the inimitable Etobicoke band The Rheostatics and a renowned storyteller, author, and solo musician. Bidini continues to help Waterkeeper bring together the passion and dedication of artists and activists. In 2005, Bidini performed at the Red Hill Valley Literary Festival.


    A new song from Dave Bidini - "Moncton Hellraisers" appears on At the Barricades: Volume 1, Waterkeeper's first music compilation produced by Chris Brown. Waterkeeper released At the Barricades: Volume 1 in stores and online September 18, 2007. The album features tracks from Broken Social Scene, Bruce Cockburn, Sarah Harmer, Chris Brown, Gordon Downie, Kate Fenner, Pete Seeger, Stars, Bill Frisell, and more. At the Barricades: Volume 2 will be released in 2008 and Volume 3 will be released in 2009. For store locations online delears please visit waterkeeper.ca/barricades.


  • Sarah Harmer of Protecting Escarpment Rural Lands (PERL) - PERL continues to spearhead evaluations of a series of connected wetlands near Mt. Nemo. As a result of PERL's expert fieldwork, the Provincial government identified the area as "Provincially Signficant Wetlands." This designation is a key step toward challenging Nelson Aggregate's proposed limestone quarry on Escarpment land.


    In addition to her work as a tireless community activist, Harmer, is a renowned singer, songwriter, and musician. Harmer contributes a live version of "Escarpment Blues", recorded at Toronto's Harbourfront, to At the Barricades: Volume 1.

  • Highlights from Lake Ontario Waterkeeper's 2007 Beach Report - Waterkeeper strives to help people maintain a connection with the Lake by empowering swimmers with information about the state of Lake Ontario's beaches. In 2007, no municipality met the procedural guidelines of F-55 which require every one of its beaches to be open for at least 95% of the summer.



  • Andrew McCammon from the Taylor Massey Project - The Taylor Massey Project is a local environmental advocacy group working to restore the Taylor Massey Creek, which runs through Scarborough and East York and into the Don River. While Taylor Massaey Creek is the smallest of the three tributaries to the Don, it contributes 80% of the pollutants into the Don System including e-coli from Combined Sewer Overflows and industrial contaminants.


    Hosts Mark Mattson and Krystyn Tully, Producer Avi Grand, and everyone at Waterkeeper are pleased to present part one of 2007's year in review. A special thank you goes out to all those who have contributed insights and shared stories with Living at the Barricades. Through your contribution, Living at the Barricades continues to evolve into an expression of the tireless work needed to build strong communities and win back the right to safely swim, drink, and fish. We are also greatly appreciative of all the listeners and Waterkeeper members for their ongoing support. Please continue to send comments and questions about Living at the Barricades to barricades@waterkeeper.ca .

    Listen to 2007's Year in Review Part 1 online (right-click to download). Subscribe to the Living at the Barricades Podcast via iTunes. Find archived shows online.


2007 Living at the Barricades Year in Review: Part 2


How low can we go? Canada's environmental descent