Red Hill: pave it or save it?

Hamilton-area residents celebrate the City's last free-flowing waterway. The Red Hill Creek has been threatened by a proposed expressway for the last fifty years. Lynda Lukasik explains:

I was a participant in a camp-out organized by valley supporters to celebrate yet another Thanksgiving with an intact Red Hill Valley to enjoy. On Friday night I watched a small community of several dozen tents pop up along the trail at the upper end of the valley. It was a wonderful sight.

Police surveillance activity aside, I have to say that camping out in the Red Hill Valley offered a wonderful opportunity to experience this park like I had never experienced it before.

My connection and commitment to Red Hill Valley is stronger than ever. And I am proud to be part of a multi-generational effort to protect and enhance this area of the city.

East Hamilton resident and valley matriarch Betty Savelli put it best when she said this expressway has been talked about for 50 years, and 50 years later it still hasn't been built, so we must be doing something right.


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