Comment RE: Take Water Application Filed by Lafarge Jul 28, 2008
Dear Mr. Taylor,
Please find enclosed Lake Ontario Waterkeeper's supplementary submission on the above-mentioned matter. We appreciate the Ministry's efforts to clarify the details of the project proposal.
Executive Summary
Lake Ontario Waterkeeper (“Waterkeeperâ€) submits the following recommendation in order to protect the Wolfe Island ecosystem during Lafarge Canada's (“Lafargeâ€) proposed water-taking for its concrete batching plant:
The permit to take water application be amended to include the following information/ documents:
The dust control strategy,
A description of the monitoring program that will ensure excess water is stored and discharged appropriately,
A description of a monitoring and mitigation plan for protecting fish and fish habitat during the water taking, and
Clarification regarding the application of the federal environmental assessment process.
Click here to read the entire comment submitted by Lake Ontario Waterkeeper.