Comment RE: Proposed Changes to Sect. 11.4(4) of the Environmental Assessment Act

Dear Ms Trudelle:

Re: Proposed rules and restrictions (procedures) under section 11.4(4) of the Environmental Assessment Act, EBR # 010-4265

Please find enclosed comments from Lake Ontario Waterkeeper, Friends of the Red Hill Valley, and Environment Hamilton regarding the above-mentioned matter.


Lake Ontario Waterkeeper (Waterkeeper) and Friends of the Red Hill Valley submitted an Application for Review of Section 11.4 of the Ontario Environmental Assessment Act to the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario in March 2006. The Ministry of the Environment elected to review Section 11.4 and to develop proposed procedures that describe how the Minister would consider a request to amend or revoke an approval under section 11.4(4) of the Environmental Assessment Act. This draft policy was posted to the Environmental Registry for public comment on August 11, 2008; the comment period expires on September 25, 2008.

Environment Hamilton, Friends of Red Hill Valley, and Lake Ontario Waterkeeper (“weâ€) support the Ministry's efforts to increase transparency and accountability in the environmental assessment process. We generally support the draft policy, subject to a few modifications. Of note is our primary concern that the policy increases the power of the Director; the recommendations below are intended to help preserve fairness for the public, including transparent and reasoned decision-making.

More Information Read the entire comment to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment here

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