Sampling in Kitchener/Waterloo

August 10/03.

I returned to Waterloo this day - to follow up on my work at the Laurel Creek. I arrived approximately at 5:00 pm - the rain was threatening - but the weather was dry and 80-85 F. I met the Creek at Weber Street - and immediately noticed an odour - gas/disel. I looked into the Creek and saw the water was stained with gas/diesel - rainbow colours - and a slick - also black blobs. The contaminants appeared to be going right through booms that had been placed in the Creek. I looked north on the creek first and then south - the entire surface was stained. I could also see ducks sitting on the banks of creek - in the Towers parking lot. I noticed the ducks preening themselves - and then noticed a sheen on some of their feathers. They appeared to be trying to shake or peck something unfamiliar off. I also noticed many fish in the creek up near the bridge.

- I walked south along a path on the creek. I saw others concerned about the odour in the creek, the odd behaviour of the ducks and the number of fish near the surface of the Creek. I was told by a couple guys having a few drinks by the Creek that there had been a spill of diesel but that no-one was doing anything about it other than laughing at them. I heard a litter picker upper guy tell the men not to leave their bottles around the banks anymore or they would phone the police on these guys. This of course made the guys yell about the spiil into the creek and the ducks appearance even more.

I moved on and again - noticed more booms at the bridge crossings and a very strong odour of diesel. Also noticed more - 10's of ducks sitting on the banks of the creek - not moving much but for preening.

- finally after walking a couple blocks - came across City of Waterloo trucks - and they were working over a pipe discharing into the Creek. They said when asked - there had been a spill in the City streets that flowed into the Creek and the workers had placed a boom and pads on the water. The guys said the discharge was from a truck up the street. I called Waterloo's environmental emergency number - and gave them my name and number and location. I walked up the street - and saw a truck with 1-800-ERT-SPILL on its side - it was an emergency response truck - and it was working with city crews at a city construction site on Regina Street. I saw this truck coming into KW from 401 earlier in the day at around 4:00 pm.

I went back to the creek and noticed there still had been no MOE representatives monitoring the environmental impacts or sampling technicians or wildlife people around - despite the nature of the spill and the obvious impacts on the environment.

- went home - but came back around 7:30 pm- it was now raining very heavy and had been for at least half an hour. The booms at Weber Street - were washed away - as were many of the absorbant pads that were floating down the Creek.

Also noticed that a pipe on the south east side of the creek was discharging pure brown liquid into the creek - must be draining an uncovered construction zone.

August - 12 2003

-I took pictures at Bridgeport and Erb Street - of the Laurel Creek at around 9:00 am. Also - pictures of the area and pipe that was causing problem yesterday. I saw city workers at the pipes this morning - they were picking up sand bags etc - I took pictures. I went to Weber Street and saw the workers again over the boomed area. I took more pictures - from north and south of the creek. I sampled the creek for both bacteria and for gasoline products in two separate bottles. The first for bacteria - KW-1 , mm, lok, Aug 12,03 - 9:00. Also - 1 litre brown jar - KW-1 MM, LOK, Aug 12/ 03 9:00.

- went back to spot where I did W-2 - and took pictures.

- then went back to the Laurel Creek mouth - just before the Grand River. Took pictures. Sampled in bacteria jar - W-3 , LOK, MM, Aug 12/03, 9:50.

- then went over the bridge to upstream of Laurel Creek on the Grand - where took sample before. Took another sample - W-4 - LOK, MM, Aug 12/03, 10:10.

- then - went back across the bridge to the sewage treatment plant outlet. Took pictures from up above pipe and down at the Grand River's edge near pipe. The sewage treatment plant discharge was causing a huge foamy white spectacle on the River's surface.

- I sampled the discharge - W-5, LOK, MM, 10:20, Aug. 12/03.

- I then went downstream - approximately 200 yards - and took a river sample - KW - 2 , LOK, MM, Aug 12/03, 10:30.

- went to lab - arrived at 12:00 - dropped off samples and signed chain of custody.

mm - notes taken contemporaneous to events.



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