Comments re: Ontario Tire Stewardship - Used Tire Program Plan

Ontario Tire Stewardship 

2000 Argentia Rd, Plaza 4, Suite 250 

Mississauga, ON  L5N 1W1 

January 27, 2009 

To Whom It May Concern:

We are writing in response to Ontario Tire Stewardship’s proposed “Used Tire Program Plan”, posted in draft form to the internet on January 19, 2009.

As a grassroots environmental organization and registered charity, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper’s goal is to restore and protect the lake's natural resources, while contributing to its aesthetic, social, recreational and economic values. In working towards this goal, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper has gained experience researching, compiling evidence and litigating on issues related to the industrial burning of tires for fuel, or Tire Derived Fuels (TDF).

The draft Used Tire Program Plan does not present Tire Derived Fuel (TDF) as a legitimate alternative for managing used tires in Ontario. Lake Ontario Waterkeeper supports this approach, and calls on OTS to continue to develop comprehensive diversion strategies that discourage and eliminate the need for TDF.

Read the original comment to the Ontario Tire Stewardship here


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