Waterkeeper to reveal Province's role in Red Hill Creek Expressway project

TIME: 11:00 am

PLACE: Queen's Park Media Studio

CONTACT: Mark Mattson, 416.861.1237

At this press conference, Lake Ontario Waterkeeper will unveil the Province of Ontario's role in the construction of an expressway through the Red Hill Valley.

Tensions over the proposed expressway reached an all-time high last week when several protestors were arrested trying to prevent the city from pushing ahead with construction before the upcoming municipal election. An Anglican Canon was arrested Tuesday and police have notified Aboriginal occupants they will be removed from the valley this week.

Lake Ontario Waterkeeper will describe the role of the Minister of Environment and her options for protecting the Red Hill Valley and the integrity of the Environmental Assessment process.

Minister Dombrovsky's response is expected to set a precedent for what Lake Ontario communities can expect of the new Liberal government?s environmental policy.


Lake Ontario Waterkeeper is a registered charity working to protect Lake Ontario and its communities through education in environmental law.


Waterkeeper calls on new minister to fast-track Red Hill


Urgent Request to Minister of Transport