Waterkeeper is proud to partner with AutoShare

If you see us out in the community, chances are Waterkeeper’s staff are driving a car provided by AutoShare.

From the AutoShare website:

AutoShare is Toronto’s first – and favourite – carsharing network, 100% Canadian and locally-owned. We’re dedicated to providing greater personal freedom and mobility to people living in Toronto; and to reducing carbon emissions and pollution through efficiency and choice. Our goal is to have a shared-vehicle within a 5 minute walk of anywhere in the city; at every TTC station; and at the end of your street. We know that car sharing is crucial to the long term health of our urban environment – and economy.

AutoShare is a staunch supporter of sustainable urban living. In addition to providing Waterkeeper with carshare credits to help us visit all reaches of the Lake Ontario watershed, they connect us to like-minded individuals and Toronto businesses to strengthen the community of people who care about clean water and good living.

Keep your eyes peeled for exciting, environmentally-friendly AutoShare initiatives during the summer months. They work hard to get you to some of Ontario's best parks, beaches, and natural spaces quickly and affordably. 


Mountain Equipment Co-Op (MEC), one of Waterkeeper's first sponsors


Submission to DFO on new Fisheries Act regulations