Playing on the North Saskatchewan River (NSR) in Edmonton: Current Impacts and Update on Recreational Water Quality for People and Fish

Our North Saskatchewan River is a natural and recreational treasure.

However, two of the most commonly asked questions of the Riverkeeper are:

"Is it safe to recreate in and on the North Saskatchewan River in Edmonton?"

"Is the water quality safe and suitable for fish in Edmonton?"

There is no simple answer or guarantee to question one as there are many factors at play including: seasonality of flow, precipitation, impacts on the recreational water quality such as stormwater runoff, type of recreation, specific location, and the user. Our river in the recreation season is many times a tale of two rivers. One that can flow swiftly and high from May to early August and one that flows slower, clearer, and shallower from mid-August to October.

Come join us for an interactive evening of updates and discussion as our expert presenters, Steph Neufeld of EPCOR and Dr. Greg Goss of the University of Alberta, strive to provide some clarity on the safety of recreating with respect to the water quality of our NSR in Edmonton for humans and fish.


Reception including snacks, beverages and information displays from NSR-related organisations.


An Update on the Status and Impacts on Recreational Water Quality for the NSR in Edmonton:

Steph Neufeld, M.Sc., Watershed Specialist, EPCOR Water Services


An Update on the Status and Impacts on the Water Quality of the NSR for Fish in Edmonton:

Greg Goss, Ph.D., Professor and Researcher, University of Alberta

7:30PM: Questions and Interactive Discussion with the presenters and audience.

8:00PM: Adjourn

Location: Lecture Room 2-190, ECHA (Edmonton Clinic Health Academy). SW corner of 87ave and 114st.

Click here for the location on the map. LRT, Bus, Bike friendly location. Once inside ECHA, Room 2-190 is on the second floor in the NW corner of the building.

RSVP: Please RSVP to and you will be entered into our draw for door prizes.

Questions or media inquiries: Please call Glenn Isaac at 780 554 3848

NOTE: Saskatchewan River: Cree translation: kisiskāciwani-sīpiy meaning "swift flowing river".The organisers, presenters, and exhibitors are providing information about the recreational water quality, impacts and opportunities for the NSR in Edmonton. Like all still and flowing waterbodies, safety is not a guarantee and appropriate measures and preparation are required to minimise risks for aquatic recreation and recreating near waterbodies. Further, unlike most of the swimming areas and beaches provided in for AB, Alberta Health Services does not routinely monitor and post advisories for recreational water quality for the NSR.

Presenter Biographies:

Steph Neufeld:

Steph Neufeld was born and raised on a farm near the McLeod River where she spent many summer days and nights on her banks or navigating through her waters. She completed both her undergraduate and masters degrees at the University of Alberta. Her M.Sc. degree investigated the effects of landuse change on water quality and aquatic insect communities in Alberta streams.

After graduation, Steph worked in consulting as an Aquatic Biologist for several years. She now works as a Watershed Specialist for EPCOR Water Services where her focus is on drinking water source water protection and watershed management. She presently sits on the Integrated Watershed Management Plan steering committee for the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance, is president of the Alberta Lake Management Society, and a board member for RiverWatch.

Professor Greg Goss, Ph.D.:

Dr. Greg Goss is a Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta. Dr. Goss was appointed Assistant Professor in July 1997, and earned ranks of Associate and Full Professor in July of 2002 and 2005, respectively. Prior to his faculty position, Dr. Goss held two post-doctoral appointments at Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Ontario and Beth Israel Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA. He completed his B.Sc. (1986) and M.Sc. (1988) at McMaster University and obtained a Ph.D. in 1993 at the University of Ottawa. In 2008, Dr. Goss was awarded the Killam Annual Professorship at the University of Alberta and the McCalla Research Award in 2009. He is the past winner of the Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award, the Canadian Society of Zoologists Early Investigator Award and the American Physiological Society Young Investigator Award. He is a funded researcher by the Canadian Water Network, Environment Canada, NSERC and numerous Industry Partners.

Dr. Goss’ currently leads a large research group (~15 HQP) focused in the twin areas of physiology and environmental toxicology. His toxicology program focuses impacts of pollutant on fish, especially in regard to effluents from wastewater treatment plants and more recently, working with government and industry to assess potential aquatic toxicity of nanomaterials for environmental remediation. He is also President of the Canadian Society of Zoologists, serves on the Council for numerous national and international societies and is on the Editorial Board for 3 international journals.

Click here for an abbreviated CV.


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