E. coli test results posted at Laurier & Capilano for August 1st

The North Saskatchewan Riverkeeper's recreational water monitoring program is releasing it's first official results today. The program tests for E. coli as a bacteria indicator of fecal contamination in recreational waters. The Laurier Park and Capilano Park boat launches are popular river accesses within the City of Edmonton and our first official data based on our Tuesday samples are consistent with expectations and historical patterns – during a period of rain, the volume of stormwater discharges is higher and generally carries more contaminants into the river. The test results are noted below, both exceeding the federal recreational water quality guideline of 200 CFU/100ml (colony forming units of E. Coli per 100 millilitres of water)*. Under these conditions, the risk of contracting a waterborne illness through contact with the water is significantly increased.[hr]

Water Quality Update: Sampled August 1st, 2017

[columns] [span6]

Laurier Park

Boat Launch

Test Result: 1953 CFU/100ml[/span6][span6]

Capilano Park

Boat Launch

Test Result: 634 CFU/100ml[/span6][/columns] Conditions on day of sampling: Raining, water mostly clear[hr]Read our earlier blog post outlining the details of the monitoring program and to learn more about how to determine the safety of recreation in the river. The results posted here only reflect the water quality at the time of sampling and are only one of many factors that affect the risks associated with recreation in a moving body of water.Results are posted weekly on the Swim Guide and can be found on the Laurier and Capilano pages on the website and app*note: Information in this post regarding water quality guidelines has been edited. The current version of the post correctly reads that test results are compared against the federal guideline of 200 CFU/100ml. 


If the sun comes out be sure your beach is swimmable! Water quality advisories in Alberta


Recreational water quality monitoring underway on North Saskatchewan River!