How clean is the water at Cloverdale Beach?

Depends on the day (and even the time!), but here is what we found on August 22nd.

 Cloverdale Beach has been the talk of the city these past couple weeks – an accidental surprise resulting from the construction of the Valley Line LRT bridge has locals discovering what some say is a tropical paradise right here in our very own downtown!On any sunny day these past couple of weeks, beach-goers have flocked to the sandy oasis by the dozens. More and more Edmontonians are discovering the new downtown amenity each day and with several days of swimming still left this summer, some beach-goers are turning their attention from the sand to the water. Just how clean is it?The North Saskatchewan Riverkeeper's recreational water monitoring program conducts tests along the river at key access points within the city of Edmonton and this week's results, including Cloverdale Beach, are now available in Swim Guide. The program tests for E. Coli, which is the standard bacterial indicator for recreational water quality as established by Health Canada guidelines. A beach is posted red when levels exceed 200 CFU/100ml (colony forming units of E. Coli per 100 ml of water) and green when levels are equal to or below 200 CFU/100ml. Please note that results only reflect water quality at the time of sampling and that E. coli levels are only one of many factors that affect the overall risk level of recreation activities in moving water. 

Water Quality Update: Sampled Tuesday, August 22nd, 2017

[hr][columns] [span6]

Laurier Park

Boat Launch

Test Result: 69 CFU/100ml[/span6][span6][/span6][/columns][hr][columns] [span6]

Capilano Park

Boat Launch

Test Result: 104 CFU/100ml[/span6][span6][/span6][/columns][hr][columns] [span6]

Cloverdale Beach


Test Result: 123 CFU/100ml[/span6][span6][/span6][/columns] Conditions on day of sampling: Sunny and clearThe Fort Edmonton Footbridge Sandbar was not tested this week. Click here for last week's results. Read our earlier blog post outlining the details of the monitoring program and to learn more about how to determine the safety of recreation in the river. The results posted here only reflect the water quality at the time of sampling and are only one of many factors that affect the risks associated with recreation in a moving body of water.Results are posted weekly on the Swim Guide and can be found on the Laurier, Capilano, Cloverdale, and Fort Edmonton pages on the website and app


Latest water quality tests at Edmonton beaches – August 29th


Swimming in the North Sask – August 15 test results