Where can you swim in Alberta?

While The Swim Guide (www.theswimguide.org) does not have all the answers for swimming or water recreation in Alberta, it is a great starting point.The Waterkeeper Swim Guide for Alberta beaches and lakes  provides daily water quality updates for most of the popular public beaches and lakes for Alberta. The North Saskatchewan Riverkeeper (NSRK) provides the content and updates for the Swim Guide in Alberta. The daily water quality updates are based on Alberta Health Services health advisories posted for beaches they monitor for fecal contamination and lakes for the confirmed presence of blue-green algae.The Waterkeeper Swim Guide also provides citizen reports of swimmer's itch and and other beach and swimming area concerns provided to the NSRK. There is a report pollution option for every beach of the Swim Guide and the NSRKreceives the pollution reports and provides the follow up.The Waterkeeper Swim Guide also provides information such as a beach/lake location map, directions, beach/swimming area descriptions, nearby amenities, historical information for the area/beach, historical water quality information, and other helpful hints or references.Check it out before you head to an Alberta beach or lake for swimming, water-based recreation, or hanging on the beach. The Waterkeeper Swim Guide also covers a number of other provinces, US states, and international jurisdictions.


"Stand Up for The River" on Saturday, August 16


Everything You Need to Know about Blue Green Algae (Cyanobacteria) in Alberta Lakes