Open Data Standard:
Invitation to Comment


About the Current Version

The current version of this standard proposal is version 1.0, draft-01. Any comments, discussion, and decisions relating to the draft-01 proposal will be implemented in subsequent draft releases, continuing until the comment period closes March 1 2018.

Current version (draft-01):

Instructions for commenting

We encourage you to contribute to the standard draft on Github:

Github instructions

Search existing issues

Before creating a new discussion, please look through existing issues to see whether your questions has already been asked or your comments have already been raised.  If an issue addressing your question, comment, or problem has already been created, please contribute.

Join an existing discussion or comment on existing issue

To join an existing discussion or comment on an existing issue add new comments at the bottom of a discussion/issue. You can contribute in text, or richer content and links using Markdown syntax.

Create a new discussion

You must have a Github account and be logged in to create a new discussion. Click on the "New Issue" button to create a new conversation.

Label a discussion

Once you have created a new issue, you can add a label. The label should reflect the  discussion item. This will make it obvious to other users that it is meant for review and comment.

Add a mention in a discussion

If you want to direct your comment, question or issue to a specific person you can add a mention in the text of your discussion or comment (type the '@' symbol and adding the person’s GitHub user name).

Use Markdown syntax

This forum supports the use of Github flavored Markdown syntax.

More info on the how-tos of contributing? Click here

Comments on the standard can also be sent to: