Shellfish Initiative

A pilot project to monitor water quality in shellfish harvesting in areas around Vancouver island and the Central Coast.

  • We have been visiting communities and nations around British Columbia (BC) to listen and understand how we can learn, support, and act in addressing the community's greatest needs around water quality.

    2024 marks the launch of our project: monitoring water quality focused on shellfish harvesting in areas around Vancouver Island and the Central Coast.

  • Traditional shellfish harvesting areas have been closed for reasons ranging from septic pollution to a lack of water monitoring.

    These areas are not being prioritized by the three governing bodies - Fisheries and Oceans (DFO), Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) and Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) - who decide when to provide and restrict access to the local community members. Together, these three ministries are responsible for the Canadian Shellfish Sanitation Program (CSSP).

    Nations and communities around BC are being deprived of their food sovereignty, and basic information about what needs to be done to improve water quality if deemed a problem.

    Over the years of our work advocating for swimmable, drinkable, and fishable waters, we’ve gained a strong understanding of navigating government departments. It’s been made clear that the people in these areas are some of the most passionate advocates of our lands and waters. Unfortunately, the siloed systems of government create unnecessary red tape, too often.

  • The goal of this project is to increase attention to shellfish harvesting and water quality through water monitoring.

    Our monitoring will not reopen these areas overnight, we understand that. But it will start to bring more of a focus on the lack of attention being paid to it by our leaders. These Nations and communities have been harvesting shellfish since time immemorial. So, as treaty people, it is our responsibility to do the work, both on the water and in the legislature, to make sure we’ll listen to the true stewards of these lands, water and culture.

Only 66% of British Columbia’s coast is open for shellfish harvest.

This number has remained unchanged since 2012. Our goal is to change that.

Partner Recognition

How are we supporting? We’re piloting community-based water monitoring for shellfish harvest with the following partners in three initial locations:

  1. The Penelakut Tribe Water Stewardship and Monitoring team

  2. The Maaqutusiis Hahoulthee Stewardship Society, Clayoquot Biosphere Trust, and Yuułuʔiłʔatḥ First Nation

  3. The Heiltsuk Integrated Resource Management Department

As part of this project, we’ll also be collaborating with Pauquachin First Nation’s Marine Unit to monitor and support their efforts to reopen Cole’s Bay harvesting area in the Saanich Inlet. We’ve joined them in calling on the Provincial government to create a Healthy Shellfish Initiative.

Interested in the shellfish initiative?

For future collaboration requests, please email !

The words Swim Drink Fish are the three pillars of a healthy watershed. These three powerful words are the indicators of restoring and protecting your local waters.